What the programme entails:
1. Being Curious
Learning from within and recognising autopilot
2. Holistic Wellbeing
Understanding Wellbeing & Attention
3. Response-Ability
Exploring and accepting the mind
4. Focusing On What Works
Acceptance, self-compassion & happiness
5. Meaningful Engagement
Acceptance, control and strengths
6. Generating Perspectives
Being human, gratitude, kindness
7. Mindful Living
Interpretation, prioritisation, intention
8. The Future In The Present Moment
Mindfulness, wellbeing, happiness
Nitty gritties
- 8 sessions of 2.5 hours per week + 4 hours silent retreat (group session, total 24 hours)
- OR 8 sesssions of 1.5 hour per week (individual session, total 12 hours personalised 1-1)
- Physical grounded space (Sol Latte in Chinatown / Mindful Space in Newton / Center of Joy in Braddell / Our Music Studio in Tanglin Mall)
- Upclose and personal (6 – 10 pax for group programme / 1 on 1 for individual programme)
- Guided facilitation, coaching and teaching (onsite and check-in during the week)
- Inward & Present Inquiry learning
- Guided secular meditations, activities and practices
- Handbook, reference book and audio tracks are provided
- Life-time community sharings and updates membership
The 7th intake 2025 is now open.
The next dates for 7th intake for group / individual sessions are:
Weekday class
8 Consecutive Weeks:
Week 1: 18th Mar (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 2: 25 Mar (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 3: 1st Apr (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 4: 8th Apr (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 5: 15th Apr (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 6: 22nd Apr (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 6a: 25th Apr (Fri) 845am to 1245pm
Week 7: 29th Apr (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 8: 6th May (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Weekend class
8 Consecutive Weeks:
Week 1: 29 Mar (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 2: 5 Apr (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 3: 12 Apr (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 4: 19 Apr (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 5: 26 Apr (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 6: 1 May (Thur) 845am to 1245pm
Week 6a: 3 May (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 7: 10 May (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 8: 17 May (Sat) 930am to 12pm
The 8th intake 2025 is also now open.
The next dates for 8th intake for group / individual sessions are:
Weekday class
8 Consecutive Weeks:
Week 1: 16 Sept (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 2: 23 Sept (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 3: 30 Sept (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 4: 7 Oct (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 5: 14 Oct (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 6: 21 Oct (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 6a: 24 Oct (Fri) 9am to 1pm
Week 7: 28 Oct (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Week 8: 4 Nov (Tues) 930am to 12pm
Weekend class
8 Consecutive Weeks:
Week 1: 20 Sept (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 2: 27 Sept (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 3: 4 Oct (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 4: 11 Oct (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 5: 18 Oct (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 6: 25 Oct (Sat) 845am to 1245pm
Week 6a: 29 Oct (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 7: 1 Nov (Sat) 930am to 12pm
Week 8: 8 Nov (Sat) 930am to 12pm
- Mimimum pax: 1, maximum pax: 8
- Venue: Newton / Braddell / Chinatown / Woodlands / Changi (Final venue depends on number of pax and day chosen)
NB: Remember to sign up as member to get rebate. Leave your contact number and email at the Checkout so that we can contact you with the details and help support you with the necessary administration and registration! Your seat is confirmed only upon successful payment.