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Our Sacred Sanctuary (OSS)

We provide unique solutions and insights in self-leadership and transformative self-care.
Nourish Me-Care

Blossom Your Being

We work hand in hand with you to restore your mind-body complex, heart and breath.
Our Sacred Sanctuary Approach

Blossom Your Inner Garden

We focus on the human factors – the software that is abstract and make it tangible for you to actionalise at the physical level. Through our programmes, you will embody wisdom through the art of being and simplicity. You will shift from stressed states to a balance of inspired actions and empathetic being. You will learn resources that will support you as you continue your life journey ahead. 

Our niches:

  • Mindfulness 
  • Restore body-mind complex
  • Transformative self-care
  • Self-leadership

OSS codes of practices & professionalism are in accordance to the following accreditations from the following established bodies: 

Unless otherwise stated, programmes are created from the assimilation of life learnings, dedicated practices and established knowledge and skills. They are currently conducted and delivered by Sue-Ann, who embraces qualities of her former role of Ministry of Education (MOE) educator, Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) facilitator and a Gene Keys Guide.  

If you are open and looking for fresh, synergistic and applicable ways to navigate life smoothly in the fast-changing era, this site is for you.

Heart Centric: In our programmes, services and products, we tune in and nurture the wholesome heart.

Accountability: Clients take ownership of their development and mastery under our guidance in favourable conditions.

Body Wisdom: We explore the nuances of the body and tap into its wisdom for decision-making.

Integration: We consolidate explorations, discoveries and learnings into appropriate applications.

Timely: Clients recognise, discern & appreciate the right timing to apply into various areas of their lives.

Simplify: Within the comprehensive, guided approach, clients simplify through bridging their mind-body complex to live with deeper clarity.

How To Navigate The Website

Discover Gems of A Thriving Human Being

Begin your journey by understanding your current level of awareness and explore what connects with you most. Go to Regular Services / Special Projects / Products tab at the top of the page to find your starting point. You may also view some highlights below.

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Get a free mini 2-in-1 handbook & journal of "Ease My Life. Connect With Joy".

It’s a vision of a space where we are heard and we feel safe & at ease. Each individual matters - self-exploration, self-discovery and self-expression. As we connect within our hearts and bodies, we become clear of our purposes and more fully at peace and joyful. Each is different and yet feels sameness with the other. We belong as One. & We connect. Together. As a community. Hence, Our Sacred Sanctuary is born.
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